Annie Walke, Sorrowful Women, c. 1920
1345 mm x 1160 mm
Private Collection

Arthur Devis, Portrait of a country clergyman, 18th c., 760 x 635mm, Private Collection

André Fougeron, Souvenir de guerre II, 1975
650 mm x 500 mm
Private Collection

Loss to bottom edge, before and after treatment.

Maria Verelst, Charles Lord Cornwallis, c. 1700
1270 mm x 1017 mm
English Heritage

Unstable tacking margins were supported by a polyester strip lining adhered to the canvas with BEVA 371. Losses were repaired using linen inserts adhered using polyamide welding powder.

Assisting Tim Everett with the glue paste lining of a painting by Herbert Arnould Olivier, 2023